Honoring our history

Daniel Oviedo was born on March 29, 1950. As if per design, 29 years later, his company Argentina International Moving SRL (Argenmove) opened its doors to the world.

A perfect piece of machinery.

He often compared Argenmove with the workings of a big clock: every piece of its machinery was essential to provide neat and smooth services and in so bringing our customers the calm and assurance they needed. As passionate as he was about his job, he was about many other topics in life. Throughout his life he shared his love for music with a series of radio shows with the most varied music genres, he dedicated a lot of hours to helping people in need and participated actively in different areas of his community.

He was a devoted teacher and an eager learner. He could spend hours reading and learning about different topics that he would share with anyone interested. There are thousands of things to say about him, anecdotes to share, moments to remember. He now rests in peace and hopefully, we will honour his legacy for many years to come. We love you, Daniel (29.03.1950 – 23.02.2024)


The family

Daniel Oviedo’s family memory photo in one of Argenmove’s warehouses.